1 kg carne tocata de vita
1 bucata ceapa taiata marunt
O cutie de tomate pasate
Se prepara un sos ca pt spaghete bolognese din ingredientele de mai sus.
3 linguri faina
600 gr lapte
200 gr cascaval
Se fierbe laptele cu faina se adauga cascavalul si se fierbe pana se topeste
Se drege cu sare, piper si am pus o lingurita de tarhon uscat
Intr-o tava se pune carnea.Foile de lasagne se rup se amesteta cu carnea si deasupra se toarna sosul alb de mai sus
Se da la cuptor 30 de minute la 200 grade C.
Pofta buna
4 comentarii:
Incerc duminica si dau si feedback :)
Ma bucur ca te-ai intors alaturi de noi in aceasta frumoasa gramada de ...visatori.
Acum cred ca Basse e baiat mare,de aceea ai facut atata mancare.:)
Scurt și eficient
I am here only to testify and give others a chance to be happy. This is a very happy day of my life thanks to the help that Dr. .nosakhare has given me to help me recover my ex-husband with his spell of love and magic. CONTACT
Whats-app: +2349083639501
All type of problem solution by astrology?
Divorce problem solution?
you want your ex back?
want a love spell for a new lover?
Childless problem solution?
the solution to sickness and diseases of the body
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